Signed in as:
Signed in as:
The following components of a session provide insight on what to expect in a divinely channeled session. After stating your focus at the beginning of your session, the components listed below will be applied to assist in uplifting your vibration around your focus.
Divinely channeled description: Join your significant other in a divinely channeled session translated by our dear Joy. This is a sacred conversation between us, The Divine, and you and your partner. No topics are off the table. Speak freely about what you both are allowing divine energy to assist with. Some examples are satisfaction in the relationship, intimacy, seeing each other's point of view, how to support each other where each is at, and how to grow individually while simultaneously growing together.
Follow the link below for a divinely channeled video on what to expect in this type of session:
Divinely channeled description: Divinely channeled sessions are available for children of all ages. We will tailor the messages to be delivered to your child's comprehension level as well as matching up to what each child is ready to receive on a vibrational level. Sessions can be joint with other family members and recorded for review by parental figures. Self-soothing techniques will be shared with each child in order to achieve vibrational alignment as well as practical advice for questions posed by children or parental figures during sessions.
Follow the link below for a divinely channeled video on what to expect in this type of session:
Divinely channeled description: Removing obstacles from your path is the intent. This stems from limited thinking, which has created a pattern that forms beliefs of a low vibrational nature. We will assist in the releasing of these and bringing in the new. This includes parallel reality exercises, working from the quantum field, and creat
Divinely channeled description: Removing obstacles from your path is the intent. This stems from limited thinking, which has created a pattern that forms beliefs of a low vibrational nature. We will assist in the releasing of these and bringing in the new. This includes parallel reality exercises, working from the quantum field, and creating momentum through energy exercises.
Follow the link below for a divinely channeled video on what to expect in this type of session:
Divinely channeled description: Solutions will be provided on each way one might turn in a particular situation. We will give you a general forecast on what to expect depending on which way you turn. We will steady your vibration as you rise up to meet us in this space. Tools will be provided in helping each recipient of a session to crea
Divinely channeled description: Solutions will be provided on each way one might turn in a particular situation. We will give you a general forecast on what to expect depending on which way you turn. We will steady your vibration as you rise up to meet us in this space. Tools will be provided in helping each recipient of a session to create their own reality based on the intended outcome, providing momentum. These are exercises of the energetic nature to practice in achieving and maintaining vibrational alignment to assist in removing blocks, which are contributing to creating problems that need solutions.
Follow the link below for a divinely channeled video on what to expect in this type of session:
Divinely channeled description: The inner workings of your physical body will be measured and assessed. We will note any shortcomings as well as progress and strengths. We will measure overall health and emotional well-being. We urge each to consult with a medical doctor as Joy is not a licensed medical practitioner and will not be held l
Divinely channeled description: The inner workings of your physical body will be measured and assessed. We will note any shortcomings as well as progress and strengths. We will measure overall health and emotional well-being. We urge each to consult with a medical doctor as Joy is not a licensed medical practitioner and will not be held legally responsible for findings or lack there of in a body scan session.
--- Channeled excerpt shown on bottom of this page. ---
Follow the link below for a divinely channeled video on what to expect in this type of session:
Divinely channeled description: We will be able to observe your dear pet on a vibrational aspect. Our words will come through Joy on why a behavior is persisting, a physical ailment is erupting or being shown, and a general disposition on this pet's daily habits, likes, and dislikes. Preferences on food and activities can be described as
Divinely channeled description: We will be able to observe your dear pet on a vibrational aspect. Our words will come through Joy on why a behavior is persisting, a physical ailment is erupting or being shown, and a general disposition on this pet's daily habits, likes, and dislikes. Preferences on food and activities can be described as well. Joy Foster is not to be held liable for medical descriptions. She is not a licensed practitioner, and we encourage you to speak to your veterinarian on medical issues that are brought up in the conversation. Your pet's attributes can be seen through an onlooker's perspective or through the personality of the individual pet depending on the vibration.
Follow the link below for a divinely channeled video on what to expect in this type of session:
Divinely channeled description: There's an energetic transference taking place here. This happens through the heart space, which is the doorway to the soul. We will tune you up on a vibrational level, which affects you in a physical and emotional capacity. We will let it be known that you are to rise up and meet us for continued progress
Divinely channeled description: There's an energetic transference taking place here. This happens through the heart space, which is the doorway to the soul. We will tune you up on a vibrational level, which affects you in a physical and emotional capacity. We will let it be known that you are to rise up and meet us for continued progress and maintenance. We will show you what will work in your situation. We will be able to tune up your cells on a physical level and soothe your emotions, for these are interconnected, you see? Emotions affect the physical body. It can become a vicious cycle with feelings upon physical symptoms. We will calm this and provide peace of mind.
Follow the link below for a divinely channeled video on what to expect in this type of session:
Divinely channeled description: We will teach you, through Joy's translations, how to line up with your higher self, how to match up with us, The Divine, through your soul. There are tips and tricks that will work for each person according to his or her lifestyle and wiring of the brain. Each is unique and there is not a one-size-fits-all
Divinely channeled description: We will teach you, through Joy's translations, how to line up with your higher self, how to match up with us, The Divine, through your soul. There are tips and tricks that will work for each person according to his or her lifestyle and wiring of the brain. Each is unique and there is not a one-size-fits-all here. We will see where you are at currently and provide a forecast based on our suggestions on continued progress. This can include steps to take to develop your skills in auto writing, learning to channel in audio form, and meditation practice experiences.
Follow the link below for a divinely channeled video on what to expect in this type of session:
The spiritual gifts I have are to help others become into alignment so they may live their best life. The purpose is to get you on track, in alignment with your soul's purpose, and to provide solutions and healing. I translate the vibration from The Divine and aspects of The Divine: your deceased loved ones, your angels, and your spiritual guides. Everyone on that side work together to provide peace and clarity to your circumstances and your thoughts. Deceased loved ones will express their love and how they are still with their loved one, even more now than when they were alive. Spiritual guides and angels will show how they assist with daily happenings and float thoughts to the individual, assist with healing, and open opportunities.
The following is a divinely channeled message I received about my work:
"You will extend your hand like an olive branch to help others out of the mud. You will offer kind words. They will feel at peace. They will feel us through you. You have risen to this. You have stepped up to this. You have risen to the occasion to provide our words for the people, the persons of the world, for those that are open to receive. They will find peace just as you are right now. You will touch others on a vibrational level, help show them how to become into vibrational alignment. You will speak our words and speak on circumstances each is experiencing and thoughts they are experiencing as well. All of these affect each on a cellular level, but when one backtracks and adjusts their alignment, their emotions are put into check. Clarity is received.
Deceased loved ones assist in this process by delivering words of encouragement and clarity. You, my dear, are able to receive words from this realm to bestow upon others to steady their vibration as they become into alignment. For we nor you can do the work for them, but they can be supported by our words of encouragement, and they will begin to broaden their thoughts to receive assistance. They will receive clarity. We will show them an alternative to a struggle they are experiencing. We will shed some light on each situation they are grappling through. They will receive peace in their heart as they accept your words from us. This will affect them on a cellular level, you see? It is all about becoming aligned with one’s own soul. For when one is laughing or feeling ecstatic or very much in love, they are filled with a wonderment. This is alignment. When one can separate their thoughts with this feeling in a meditative state, they are able to raise their vibration to meet us.
There is a clearing of energy that will occur in each session that you hold with another. A dropping of the old and a picking up of the new. We encourage a recording of each session by the participant so they may listen repeatedly, for the mind can play tricks, and they will seem to doubt what they felt and what they heard."
Animal Communication Example with My Pets
The Divine: It is like check-ins for validation on what one is receiving when they are going within. It is like a child using training wheels when they are learning to ride a bicycle. What we are doing is we are helping people to rise up and go within and you are an aid with this.
Joy: Can you distinguish the services I provide as a Divine Channel in remote divinely channeled sessions from a psychic providing a reading?
The Divine: What we are assisting you with in your sessions and your clientele in their sessions is their vibratory stance. While this does include giving one direction, we are not laying out all the answers for each individual, for they have not been created yet. We are showing them through your lips what is available to them and we provide homework. This will help each to raise and maintain their vibration. This is what attracts in continued healing as well as the desires of their heart. You are not offering quick fixes. We are helping with the soul’s evolution. We are helping one to see through what they receive in a session how to turn around particular situations and what the blockades have been.
Instead of just providing direction, we would like each to focus on what is underneath here. For example, if one is in a relationship with another that has narcissistic tendencies, our hope is that the recipient of the session will be open to receiving clarity on why he or she attracted a partner of this nature and how this is affecting him or her on a vibratory level.
We are not going to just lay out what will happen in 3 months' time, 6 months' time, 9 months' time. We are helping in each to create their own reality and to understand that it is up to each to create their own reality rather than being tossed around in the waves like a rag doll. We will teach each to go within and how to foster this relationship with Divine Source by connecting into his or her own soul. We will teach each how to connect into deceased loved ones if this is of interest to them.
It is a practice. Nothing is a quick fix. Each is building momentum in their vibration and stepping over contrast as it arises as part of their own soul development.
The Divine: We want to keep you on track, focused, the center of the line. You are veering off to the side of it. We are providing strength, courage, support. There is energy showering in through the top of your head at this time massaging all your organs, providing balance to your sexual organs.
Joy: I feel very calming energy. It’s filling up all the nooks and crannies. It feels really good in my head. I feel like I’m floating.
The Divine: We are restoring you back to ideal settings. There is a comfort that is being restored.
Joy: I see all the blood flow is evening out. Clarity is being restored. I see how it was foggy in my brain and it is being cleared out. Clarity is showing. Fresh ideas. Fresh thoughts. Fresh views. I have the sensation of walking barefoot on grass.
The Divine: This is good for your soul. Continue this pattern.
Joy: I see water. It looks like the lake.
The Divine: Try to visit a body of water once per week. This feeds your soul, my dear.
Joy: I feel like my limbs are being stretched out a bit.
The Divine: We are massaging your joints, your ligaments, your muscle fibers, connective tissue. We are restoring joy to your heart center. Your thoughts have been caught in a loop, of sorts. We have broken this apart for you. Your energy is being revived.
Joy: Are there any health concerns that you see that I need to be aware of?
The Divine: We’ll bring these up if this is the case. We’d like your mind not to go there, for this is opening your energy up to health issues when you look at it from this point of view, you see? We will tell you of any changes that need to be made as we have in the past. We will encourage healthy eating and movement that will work for your body and your lifestyle. All is well. You are in the clear. Continue with fresh fruits and vegetables. It is scrubbing you clean. Just as you brush your teeth and floss each morn when you arise, this is similar to what fresh fruits and vegetables are doing to all the systems in your body. It is also providing energy for you in proper amounts and healthy blood flow. The coconut water is encouraged. Continue with the fresh juice from oranges as you have been. The stomach juices, gastric juices are functioning in an efficient manner. There is no concern here. We share this with you due to past concerns. You have done a fine job of healing this area of your physical body with your fruit and vegetable intake and your continued cessation of dairy products and meat consumption for several years now.
We also want you to understand the impact that your emotions can play on your gut health. Continue to reset daily with your meditation practice and to connect in throughout the day. You have a grasp on this. Be mindful of conversations with people dear to your heart. You are able to hold space for others without melding your energy with theirs and taking on what they are enduring. Understand this is their contrast. You may hold space for them but you experiencing it with them on an emotional level will not be in their favor. Think of a drowning swimmer. It is best to place an object into the water to grab onto and pull them to the shore rather than jumping in and, out of panic, you are both pulled under. You see?
Joy: Yes. Thank you.
The Divine: You are well. You have a firm understanding of the emotional balance needed here to maintain your physical health. Understand we are a continued support for you. You are never left alone. We walk nearby you at all times. You are able to tap into our energy to receive clarity and healing and encouragement and support all of your days.
Joy: Thank you. Wow, I feel like a new woman! Thank you so much! I feel so much better. Wow!
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