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In this divinely channeled teaching, you will be walked through holding space for any regrets you might be feeling around the death of your dear pet. Your vibration about this will be discussed and how this affects you. You will be shown how to call in the energy of your deceased pet for the feeling of peace. A soul's mission is explained as it pertains to animals.
In this divinely channeled teaching, you will learn the importance of being positive and how to replace the negativity with positivity. Examples of each are given on how each feel. Feeling negative is part of your experience and you will learn how to handle this on an energetic level. It is important to feel the feelings in order to process and let the healing take place. Instructions are given on how to process and heal your emotions. You are a magnet and are bringing more in of what you are focusing upon.
In this divinely channeled teaching, you will learn to distinguish between your mind, body, and spirit. Your mind is not who you are. You will be shown examples of how to create using visualization paired up with feelings.
In this divinely channeled teaching, you will see the difference between attracting from a place of residing in your ego mind vs. your heart center connected into your soul. Unhealthy patterns and physical pain can be redirected from this place. My hope for you is that this divine channeling provides clarity and hope for you.
In this divinely channeled teaching, you will learn how to stand in your personal power by not agreeing with or carrying out actions that disagree with your soul. This will help you in the areas of decision making, goal setting, and interactions with others.
In this divinely channeled teaching, the focus is on allowing here rather than pushing yourself. You will learn how to leave the busy mind and drop down into your heart center for motivation and inspiration. You will see how to encourage yourself rather than push yourself for long term success.
This divinely channeled teaching shows how to allow healing to occur and release the burden of holding resentments. Your vibration will raise, and you'll be open to divine inspiration. You'll learn how holding onto resentments affects you in a financial manner and on a cellular level. You are deserving of feeling good.
This divinely channeled teaching shows how holding onto hurtful emotions in your energetic body is affecting your DNA and spills over into your finances, your relationships, and the way you feel about yourself. This teaching gives instructions on how to release these in a healthy manner.
This divinely channeled teaching explains how to connect through your soul into Divine Source Energy and allow a message to come through that you can write down. This is how Joy learned to channel The Divine. This is a great way to communicate in an elevated state with deceased loved ones who are serving as spiritual guides.
When you are facing reality and allowing it to enter your vibration, you are helping to create it. Set it to the side. Protect your energy and allow yourself to reset and feel safe. Focus upon what you are wanting to create. Feel the feelings of it. What you are focusing on is drawn to you.
Each of us are in the physical for soul development as part of evolvement. Each of us had a viewpoint of our life circumstances before re-entering the physical. Contrast is what one sets about on their own path from the spiritual to help in the process of evolving. We are guided, loved, and protected from the spiritual realm.
This divinely channeled teaching speaks upon the effects of developing satisfaction within in order to feel peace. This, in turn, affects how you attract and manage occurrences in your life. My hope for you is that this talk provides a divine connection and clarity along your path.
In this divinely channeled talk, I channel Divine Source Energy on the differentiation between the ego mind and connecting in with your soul through your heart space. Examples are given on how this practice of sitting in your heart center can improve your daily life. My hope for you is that you find a divine connection and clarity.
In this divinely channeled teaching, you will learn that fear is a real motion that shall be honored. You will learn how to self soothe around this emotion.
In this divinely channeled teaching, alignment is discussed. How to become into alignment and how that feels is discussed as well as what it feels like to be out of alignment. My hope for you is that this teaching provides a divine connection for you as well as clarity and hope.
You are on your soul's mission in the physical creating the desires of your heart by matching up with the frequency based on how you feel. You are also learning lessons and stepping over contrast, which are obstacles. Evolving in the spiritual realm occurs as well.
In this divinely channeled teaching and healing you will learn how shame does affect you on a vibrational level and to gather the hurts on an energetic level. You are releasing the shame and are no longer identifying with the shame. You will hold space for yourself so the feelings are no longer meshed in with your energy so you may heal from this perspective. Reoccurring memories will be discussed. Allow this freedom and peace for yourself.
Vibrations are what attracts everything to you. You are attracting how you feel. Are you in a tough situation? Encouragement and instruction are shared. Money equals safety. You will be shown how to allow this in through your feelings. It is a practice.
In this divinely channeled teaching, you will learn how you and members of your soul family have agreed to play parts on yours and their path to evolvement in the spiritual form before reincarnating. This provides contrast. There are many layers.
In this divinely channeled teaching, you will be shown how one gets caught up in a victim mentality. A picture of how one chooses their obstacles as part of their own evolvement in the spiritual realm before re-emerging back into the physical is shared. The purpose of evolving in the physical is described. How one receives divine inspiration and how to follow it is also described.
In this divinely channeled teaching, one's soul's mission or evolvement is expanded upon form Part One. Rising up in your personal circumstances by connecting into your soul is described. Healing on a vibrational level is needed, which affects you on a physical and emotional level in order to find peace, tranquility, and bliss. Energetic boundaries are described as well as maintaining your vibration around hurts that arise. Meeting The Divine and aspects of The Divine halfway is needed by each individual to receive assistance. Perpetrators that have passed away will not have access to your energy. The fear of judgement from others is discussed and how to rise up from this. Activities to help raise one's vibration are shared.
In this divinely channeled teaching, you will be shown how this concept of being comfortable with yourself is a foundational principle, which affects your interactions and relationships with others personally and professionally. When one is critical of him or herself, they are critical of others. An example is shown how this is exhibited in parenting. Becoming comfortable with yourself is not only the goal in the physical aspect but also in the emotional and vibrational aspect. Illustrations about a household chore and entering a get-together at someone else's home are shared in order to break down this concept and provide a viewpoint in raising one's vibration. Helpful tools and self-talk examples are shared in order to raise your vibration. Become unapologetically yourself! You are deserving of love. You are deserving of feeling good about who you are. Give this to yourself.
In this divinely channeled teaching, you will be shown how one is attempting to align with another and please others rather than aligning with their own truth, divinity. A visual will be shared to explain how this looks and feels. Direction will be shared on how to line up with your truth and how divine inspiration is floated to you by your soul family in order to stay on course. Connect into your heart center and get out of your mind about this. Allow every cell in your body to work on your behalf. Feel the difference and walk alone, if you must.
In this divinely channeled teaching, you will learn how your brain is designed to protect you and keep you safe. Happiness is described and how to crack the code on yourself so you may live the best life available to you. Being open to change as you evolve is described. Feeling comfortable is a need. Comfortability and happiness do go hand in hand. The origin of our beliefs about each is described. Examples are shared. The foundation for happiness and comfortability is built on one connecting into their own soul. The tendency for one to save another and the origin of this is described as well as how to rise up over this. The differentiation between your brain and body and you connecting into your soul is shown. The benefits of living in your heart space rather than your brain are emphasized.
In this divinely channeled teaching, fear of not connecting in is addressed. Inner child encouragement is modeled. Consistency is needed. You understanding you deserve this time is the foundation. Components of meditation are shared. You feel safe, comfortable, encouraged, and safe. Your sensory perceptions will pick up what is in your vibration as you are connected in vs the clutter and chatter you experience in your mind. You may experience your angels in this state. A journal is recommended to record what you receive in this elevated state. This feels safe, true to your heart, and welcoming.
In this divinely channeled teaching, you will be shown how you feel and what you will experience when your vibration is rising up to meet your divinity, your truth. It feels good to become one with your own soul and to click in with your higher self! You will be encouraged to continue on this path of clicking in with your higher self and how this feels. Calling upon your angels is recommended and described. Each has the capability of all of this to feel one with your truth. This is peace and tranquility and sets you in a high vibration. Coming into your own is part of your calling. You recognize this by the way it feels. This is a daily practice.
In this divinely channeled teaching, imitation foods are compared with foods. While imitation foods and denatured foods are edible, they are not supporting proper health. Asking yourself how you feel consuming these products is suggested. Conflict is of a low vibration. Focus on foods that make you feel good. Do not shame yourself. This is how you are learning. High vibrational foods are mentioned. Notice how you feel when consuming animal products. This does not go against everyone's soul. See what is best for you while sitting in your heart space. This is the doorway to your soul. High vibrational means connecting into your soul. Check here to see how you feel while connected into your soul on the foods you are consuming.
In this divinely channeled teaching, angels, deceased loved ones, and guides are described. All of these are an aspect of The Divine. Each has access to this. Examples of how this is done are provided.
In this divinely channeled teaching, ultimate peace is described and taught in practicing leaving the mind behind and coming into your heart center to connect into your soul. Journaling is a useful tool. Communing with your own soul helps in finding your truth. This affects you on a cellular level and is described. You will be walked through releasing and opening up your energy to receive a solution and answers.
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