Signed in as:
Signed in as:
It all begins within. The relationship with yourself affects your relationship with others and interactions or circumstances one is creating or attracting into their own life. You were made for loving you!
Our desire for each and every one of you is to rise up and stand in your own personal power, to realize that you are the director of your own movie. You are the one sitting in the cockpit flying the plane. You are the one in the driver’s seat driving your car. You are not depending on another. You are not at the mercy of another. Step forward in confidence, in faith. Trust these words we have spoken on your behalf. Believe these words to be true.
How one feels about their physical body has a lot to do with one’s vibration. One’s vibration is the determining factor on whether you are a victor or a victim.
We are helping each and every one of you to look upon yourself with an unconditional love, a level of deservingness, for this is your birthright. Meet yourself where you are at currently. You are deserving of this. Invite your inner child in. Reparent yourself in this unconditional love. Hold space for yourself showing a gentleness and grace. Each is worthy of this. You are well in these words.
In this divinely channeled healing, you will be guided through allowing yourself to feel safe and comforted. Guided imagery will entail a mirror being held in front of you showing the masterpiece that you are as well as walking through a doorframe into the version of you that loves yourself in this moment. You are releasing comparisons. You are free to be you! There are no mistakes. You will be guided through setting a new standard for yourself based on your reflection in the mirror. Learn to like who you are and getting out of your comfort zone. Fall in love with who you are in this moment and forgive past versions of yourself that did not honor this value system.
The foods are counterproductive. It is a numbing out and similar to not being treated well by another as you are not treating yourself well: self-punishing, self-sabotage, and doubt. Clean this up as you begin to feel a healthy love for self. You deserve to feel good about you. Your food consumption plays a major role in this relationship with self. Nurture yourself. Be patient with self. Love yourself in all conditions. Practice this healthy love for self. You are deserving of feeling good in your own skin and emotions.
Size is not highly relevant but how you feel about your size while at each size is quite relevant. This is shaping your vibration and this is attracting more of how you feel. Keep this close to your heart. The size or shape of yourself or another does not equate to the amount of value one holds. Step out of your ego mind that is filled with fear and shame and doubt, and drop into your heart center for truth, for safety, for upliftment. Connect in with your soul to feel the satisfaction here.
In this divinely channeled healing, you will be guided through allowing yourself to remove shame as part of emotional pain along with physical pain. You will hold space for your emotions and pain as healing occurs. You will be guided to appreciate your body in all shapes, sizes, abilities, and ages because it's your body. Your relationship with your body is personal and sacred.
You do not need to put on a front. You can be vulnerable. There will be insecurities you hold but you will observe upon them. Your perspective of them will be much different than you have been feeling about them. For you will begin to love yourself with no strings attached. It is not, “I am worthy once I’m able to look better in this swimming suit.” It is, “I feel good about myself now regardless of how I look in this swimming suit.”
When you feel this way, your body adapts and changes to your new philosophy, your new way of life, perspective, viewpoint, and it matches up with this. It morphs into what before you were fighting for it to morph into and here it morphs into it like a child learning to swim. A child is swimming to their mother and the mother scoops up the child and says, “You did it! I’m so proud of you!” You did not tell the child, “You did not go in a straight line. You did not come here fast enough.” You were proud of your child the same way you are proud of your body regardless. There are no hoops to jump through to earn love, acceptance, feeling valued.
Divinely Channeled for me, Joy, on my purpose.
I share with you this divinely channeled message on this important topic:
This is a widely known pattern of behavior. Let’s set the stigma and the pain to the side, shall we? Let’s focus on the root issue here. Food is something that is commonplace as you are in a physical body. It is not something you can deny yourself. It is also a social norm to consume food and drink while celebrating, mourning, experimenting in the kitchen, refining skills in the kitchen, and enjoying time with others. Food feels good. It is soothing. It puts an end to the discomfort of hunger.
When one feels shame about their body, the food they consume can contribute to this. This is a cycle. One feels bad about their physical body and feels in a low vibration. Satisfying foods can help uplift one’s spirits, so it is easy to turn to this to help oneself feel higher, in a high vibratory stance. They blame the food for making them feel low by how their body feels and looks. They feel shame about themself for consuming these foods and it is a cycle that is completed over and over.
Let’s not eliminate any food groups, for when you cannot have something, you want it even more, yes? Instead, let’s focus on adding in what will help you feel better about the foods you are consuming. When looking at this from a health aspect, fruits and vegetables contribute much to help navigate through this. This is where you’ll receive health boosting vitamins and minerals needed to nourish your body, cleanse the blood, and assist the organs in working together in perfect harmony, completing each of their tasks for the physical body. Allow yourself nourishing foods that are healthy yet satisfying. You can tell if a food is healthy for your body by how you feel the remainder of the day and your elimination immediately afterwards through the following day. Play with serving sizes here. Allow your indulgences in moderation but provide the nutrients your physical body needs to thrive. This is not a black and white, a one size fits all here, for each has different nutrient deficiencies and requirements. You are not all starting from square one here.
For a personal conversation with us regarding your health aspects and needs, feel free to book a session with our dear Joy. She has agreed to share our words with the public as a whole and individuals in sessions. You are divine. You are holy in nature. You are a beautiful specimen to be admired. If you must borrow our eyes to see yourself through, we encourage this. You are appreciated and adored in all shapes, sizes, ages, and abilities. Do not discount yourself. Hold yourself in high regard, for this is how we see you. We admire you and adore you greatly.
In this divinely channeled meditation, you will be guided through healings on deserving to feel good and what that means. You will learn to manage your energy to feel safe so you may create total health. Healing around feeling comfortable in your own skin and thankful for your body is performed. Value, worthiness, and happiness are instilled. Matching up with your soul and your higher self is called in. Feeling proud of yourself having this healthy energetic exchange is practiced.
In this divinely channeled teaching, this habit of eating for comfort in dealing with emotional pain is described. The root cause is made known. There is no shaming, blaming, or guilt. Have compassion on yourself. Inner child work concepts are taught. A low vibration is described as well as finding relief and rising up into a high vibratory stance. Unconditional love for self is practiced. An energetic exchange occurs. You are worth the effort it will take to sort through your emotions. You are deserving. Relating to a partner in support is described as well as journaling. Calming your brain and connecting into your soul is shown.
In this divinely channeled teaching, compulsive patterns in the brain and corresponding behaviors are described. Deep sadness and feeling out of control can be contributing factors. No shame here. Food is for nourishment. Animals eating in the wild are shown as an example. Affirmations are shared to work up to feeling these about yourself. Recommendations are made to help modify behaviors. The light is within you. You have the control. We are helping you to find this realization.
We have a task for you to carry out. There’s a loop going about in your mind. You are feeling a sensation of hunger. This is false. You are using foods to comfort you, to feel a high in your brain. We will help you to release this. You have been held captive by this. The feeling in your brain that soothing foods provide has been a pattern of comfort. We will help you to step over this. You are worthy of feeling good. You are deserving of this. We will help you to shed this off like a snake sheds off its skin.
Movement is required as part of your healing protocol. When you are feeling disheveled and have an urge to seek comfort through eating foods and you are well aware that this is not a natural hunger, do anything that includes movement. This can be as simple as walking. It does not need to be a specific type of movement. As you are completing this movement activity, set your intention to release what is no longer serving you for your highest and best. Surrender to this. Let it go. Allow yourself then to be a vessel to be filled with divine inspiration. This is not a process to be rushed. It will not occur in a matter of minutes. For some it will take longer than others. Be patient. Give yourself at least 10-15 minutes of movement. Allow your body systems to work together in perfect harmony to provide health and wellness. Give this a go, all of my dears. You are well in these words.
As far as pictures go that you have gazed upon of yourself that your figure is fuller than you’d prefer, here is a trick that we would like you to utilize. Continue looking at the picture. Take your focus off of what is displeasing to you. Think about how you were feeling when you had this picture taken of yourself. Were you celebrating a happy moment? Bask in those feelings. Now, look upon your physical attributes. Certainly, you can find a couple things you do appreciate here. Focus in on these. Feel appreciation for this. Tell your body, “More of this please” and “Thank you”. “I appreciate you, body. We are a team. You have taken me this far and I appreciate you.”
Divinely Channeled by Joy with
Let’s concentrate on enjoying the flavor of foods. When the flavor starts to diminish, you can hold back and finish that part later when your hunger strikes again. It will be more flavorful and enjoyable. Let’s use flavor as an indicator here of how much to eat. Oftentimes, the sensation of feeling full is diminished. If you can concentrate on how your food tastes with each bite by giving full attention to your meal rather than a TV that you are watching upon, you will pay closer attention to the flavors of foods that you are consuming. This is a built-in mechanism that helps one appropriate proper serving sizes.
If it pains you to waste food, you can certainly wrap it up and save it for later. The alternative would be to continue consuming this food and having health problems because of it. When you think of the pain of food being wasted, you can ask yourself if the alternative of having health problems is a better solution here. Certainly, it is not.
If you think about it, if you are holding yourself in high regard, high esteem, you deserve to eat flavorful foods, yes? When you are continuing on, taking more bites that are not of high flavor, you are settling. You are not having a high vibrational experience anymore, you see? It is not of full flavor. You can always lean back on knowing this is your body’s natural instinct to let you know when you’ve had enough to fill you up.
In this divinely channeled healing, you will be guided in your breaths as you are pushing your mind back and dropping down into your heart center. Shame will be removed from your vibration regarding emotional pain leading to emotional eating. The cause of emotional eating is shared. Getting to the root cause of medicating oneself through the use of foods is addressed. You are safe to get to the core issue. Allow yourself to receive the divine healing energy. This is a vibrational healing on all levels.
I love you, body. I feel sensual. I feel sexy. I love this body of mine! I am taking the time to appreciate this body of mine. I’m so thankful and blessed and grateful. We are a team supporting each other. I am allowing this for myself. I nourish my body. I care for my body. This body is a gift. I appreciate you, body. I am allowing myself to accept every part of my body. I deserve this peace. I forgive myself for ever feeling bad about this lovely body of mine. I am healing.
I am viewing my body from a different perspective now. I am walking into agreement. I vow to honor this body of mine. I value my body. I am allowing myself to rise up to this vibration. This feels good. I’m going to float in this intention. Just like I admire nature, I will admire my body for the wonder that it is. I am releasing fears. I am releasing doubts. I am releasing resentments. I am releasing painful memories. I value you, my dear body. I accept you as you are in this moment. I am releasing shame. I am releasing embarrassment.
I’d like to start over. I’d like to try something new now. I’d like to walk over to your side now and accept you. I am done fighting with you. That was only a reflection of me. I am walking into new territory here. I’m ready. Thank you for waiting for me.
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