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My teaching background in elementary and middle school education has prepared me for this role of helping children become into alignment too! Little did I know that this would be my path, but here I am, and I love it!
Parents, divinely channeled resources about parenting your children can be found on this page as well.
Dear, children of the world. Please set your hand upon your heart center. This is the center of your chest. Allow yourself to take a break here from thinking, from using your mind, and become relaxed. Focus in on this here.
Take a deep breath in through your nose and let it out through your mouth. Repeat this several times.
In and out. This is to be completed slowly. In and out.
You will notice that you are feeling comfortable and relaxed. In and out.
It is recommended here by us, Divine Source Energy, that you practice this every day at least one time. Do you believe that you deserve to feel relaxed? You are quite deserving of this. This is adding to the feelings of happiness. This will also help if you are feeling upset. You are able to see what has happened from a different angle here. This affects your body. This affects your emotions. This affects how you feel about yourself. Show yourself how proud you are to be you. Show yourself how much you appreciate this body of yours. Show yourself how much you love your personality.
A mantra is something you can say throughout the day to help you feel safe and loved. Let’s try this one on for size, shall we? “I love who I am. I love being me.”
As you practice this every day, you will notice changes. You will feel special. You will start to feel safe in your own energy. When disappointing things happen, you will turn to this safe place that you have been creating for yourself. This is a sacred relationship you are building within yourself. Be proud of yourself for practicing this. You are special.
In this divinely channeled teaching, connecting into your soul is described at the level of comprehension for children. This helps provide a calming and safe experience. The feeling of connecting into your soul is described as well as the purpose and benefits of this practice.
Parenting can seem like a slippery, slimy mess at times. When one is identifying with how their child is faring in the physical, it can become quite a jumbled mess here. Let’s distinguish here between you and your child or each of your children. This is a new person that you brought into the world but it is not who you are. It is not an extension of you, even though it feels like that with the amount of love that you feel toward this human being.
Let your child slip and fall literally and figuratively. How does one learn if they do not have mishaps to look back upon? Maybe your child has committed an atrocious act as a teen or adult. Do you see here when you distinguish yourself from your offspring, you are no longer identifying here. This is not something that you need to make amends for. Each has their own contrast they are stepping up over as part of their evolvement.
Let’s look at the opposite side of the coin here, shall we? Let’s say your child has accomplished much and you feel so very proud of this individual. Once again here, if you are identifying with these achievements as your own, well, this will become a jumbled mess. No one will have a clean streak all of their days. Distinguish yourself from your children, no matter the age. Allow each to evolve at their own rate.
Allow each to feel proud of him or herself rather than gaining this from you. It is not healthy for one to always be living up to another’s expectation or to only feel proud of themself because another is proud of them. As you allow your child, no matter the age, to develop their own identity, this is letting you off the hook as well as them.
Children can often mimic how they were raised, the dynamics they had with one or both parental figures in relationships. You see, if you are raising your child up to always need your approval, well, that is what they will be looking for in a partner. That is a lot to live up to when one is aligning with another’s ego mind rather than their own soul.
Allow your child to listen to that small voice that comes from within. This is how one achieves alignment. Allow yourself this same opportunity. It will provide much peace as each goes within. This is a practice.
There is no underlying shame in this message that we are delivering through Joy’s lips. This is meant to uplift the masses, to help each practice their own vibratory stance to obtain alignment and allow divine healing.
Here is a divinely channeled video on what to expect when you book a divinely channeled session for your child.
In this divinely channeled teaching, children will learn to feel safe in their own energy by practicing unconditional love and acceptance for self. Practices to connect into your soul and feel the feelings of these are described. These are at a comprehension level appropriate for children.
In this divinely channeled teaching, children will learn how to hold vibrational space for their feelings in order to feel, honor, and allow divine healing for their emotions. This allows children to honor themselves.
Children of all ages, you are beautifully and wonderfully made in the image of your divine creator. Nothing is holding you back except your faults you are finding within yourself. You might’ve adopted these opinions or views about yourself from another whether that be a snide remark that a fellow child spouted out to you in passing or an adult who cast judgement upon you.
Let’s clean this up here the same way one would sweep dirt away with a broom. Connect into your heart center and know that you are special in your own right. Those that are hurting are like magnets. It will appear as though they would want you hurting alongside of them. This is none of your concern. It is up to you to sweep that away when it enters your awareness. Draw your energy back within rather than taking on energy from another. Let each go within to handle their own hurts. You can say, “Well, that’s none of my business,” when someone is letting their hurts spill onto you. It is like a cup that is overflowing. It is not for you to wipe up another’s spill.
Go within to make sure that you’re not spilling over. Allow yourself to feel special. Allow yourself to feel loved. Call on your angels to assist with this. They are delighted to help you throughout all of your years.
This divinely channeled video is for children. This video shows children they are valued, and their decisions and input are valued. Learning how to make decisions as a child helps one to carry this value into adulthood and be able to make decisions as an adult.
This divinely channeled video is for children. This video shows children their body is their own property. Children will learn to feel safe in their own energy as they feel value for their body in all conditions simply because it's theirs. Children will learn how to respond if someone is not respecting their body by touching it inappropriately. Feelings about standing up for your own values are also taught as well as not feeling shame around this. Children will learn how to listen to their gut feelings and how to recognize if an adult is safe or not.
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