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I hope you enjoy these divinely channeled healings and are able to connect into your soul to allow peace to fill you up.
In this divinely channeled healing, you will be guided to drop out of your mind and into your heart center where you will feel relief while being connected into your soul. You will show your body appreciation and feel the pain lessened. A dial to control the pain is gifted to you. Breathing techniques are shared to help allow divine healing to occur while releasing physical pain. Become one with your higher self and feel whole. You are deserving of this. Team up with your body for total health.
In this divinely channeled healing, you will be guided through checking in with yourself about how your body and mind feel. You will be guided to allow trapped emotions to be removed by surrendering and to hold space for these in a vibrational bubble in order to see these from a different perspective and heal. Your mind can become wrapped up in a loop and anchor in on previous experiences of similar nature and magnify this conflict. You will be walked through detaching and surrendering what is not serving you for your highest and best to avoid creating more of this in your future and allow healing to occur.
In this divinely channeled healing, you will be guided through dropping down into your heart center to connect into your soul and surrender to what you have been carrying in your ego mind, which is based on fear, doubt, lack of value for self, and a lack of love in an unconditional way for self. You will be filled up with divine energy to hold space that fear and doubt and lack once held. You will be guided through trusting yourself, which is reflected in your experiences in the physical.
In this divinely channeled healing, you will be guided in honoring yourself while you are feeling this pain. You will be guided to feel safe, comforted, and relief. You are loved, cared for, and safe on your own and this is not dependent on another. Inner child/adult healing will occur. You will be guided through holding space for painful experiences you are having memories of.
In this divinely channeled healing, you will be guided through forgiving past versions of yourself that did not recognize value in yourself and releasing any shame or guilt you may be holding onto. You are allowing yourself to feel the feelings of being valued, peace, tranquility, safe within yourself. You are creating how you feel about you.
Feeling safe is at the root of allowing finances in. In this divinely channeled healing, you will be guided through releasing what you’ve been holding onto that does not make you feel safe. This will be replaced with divine healing energy. You will be led through childhood and early adulthood for some inner child healing to identify what these circumstances are that you will be releasing. You are worthy of greatness. You will be shown how to attract greatness by feeling the feelings of this.
In this divinely channeled healing, you will be guided through allowing yourself to remove shame as part of emotional pain along with physical pain. You will hold space for your emotions and pain as healing occurs. You will be guided to appreciate your body in all shapes, sizes, abilities, and ages because it's your body. Your relationship with your body is personal and sacred.
In this divinely channeled healing, you will be guided to connect into your soul and allow divine energy to soothe and heal you. You will be guided through releasing what has been heavy. Allow yourself to feel the feelings of being safe and comfortable and dance with it energetically. Learn how to check in and see what agrees with your soul.
In this divinely channeled meditation, you will be guided through connecting into Divine Source through your soul. You will become familiar with your angels and how they provide divine support and love. Ask your angels to help you rise up and let go of past misgivings and what no longer serves you for highest and best good. Let yourself be free of these. Allow protection for yourself. Inner child healing is performed. Release shame, guilt, blame, and be filled with golden divine healing energy. Become comfortable liking and loving who you are.
In this divinely channeled meditation, you will be guided through healings on deserving to feel good and what that means. You will learn to manage your energy to feel safe so you may create total health. Healing around feeling comfortable in your own skin and thankful for your body is performed. Value, worthiness, and happiness are instilled. Matching up with your soul and your higher self is called in. Feeling proud of yourself having this healthy energetic exchange is practiced.
In this divinely channeled healing, you will be led to let your guard down and let go of any resentments you are holding that are tied to painful memories and not feeling valued or respected by another. You will be led to surrender or let go of what you have been holding onto and recognize it has been poisoning your body. You will breathe in strength and clarity and set yourself free.
In this divinely channeled meditation, you will be guided and inspired to show yourself gentleness in an unconditional way in all situations and circumstances. Inner child healing is performed. Trust in yourself and your decision making is instilled. Appreciation and being divinely cared for are focuses. Feel grace and love for yourself along with safety and comfort. Release control with your angels' assistance. Allow the divine healing and inspiration to take place. Relief is gained with a new perspective.
In this divinely channeled healing, you will be guided through allowing yourself to feel safe and comforted. Guided imagery will entail a mirror being held in front of you showing the masterpiece that you are as well as walking through a doorframe into the version of you that loves yourself in this moment. You are releasing comparisons. You are free to be you! There are no mistakes. You will be guided through setting a new standard for yourself based on your reflection in the mirror. Learn to like who you are and getting out of your comfort zone. Fall in love with who you are in this moment and forgive past versions of yourself that did not honor this value system.
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